From 1946-1958, the U.S. military detonated 67 nuclear bombs in the Marshall Islands. The resulting emotional and physical damage to the Marshallese continues to this day. The elders below experienced the nuclear fallout and witnessed its effects. Some of these elders saw the blasts, most notably the Bravo deontation, the most powerful ever. The story of surviving these tests defines the Marshall Islands and serves as a timeles cautionary tale. For an overview of the Marshallese nuclear test history click this link: remembrance day
To access the archive of each story teller, click on the story-teller's picture. The sub-headings indicate the topics discussed. Jen 1946-1958, jarin tarinae eo an Amedka kar kadoboklok 67 baam ko ilo Majel in. Entaan im jorran ko nan armej rej wonmaanlok wot nan rainin. Ritto rein ilal raar pad ilo tore in im lo ta ko raar walok jan wot komelmel kein. Jet ian ritto rein rokar lo eddoboklok kein, elaptata eo nae etan Bravo, eo im ej make wot im kajor. Bwebwenato in aer ella im anjo jen jorran kein walok jen kommelmel kein ej kalikkar im kojenolok Majel in im jutak einwot juon bwebwenato in kakkol eo im naaj pad nan indreo. Nan tobar melele ko ikijjien kajojo ri-bwebwenato, jibed kajjien pija in ri-bwebwenato eo. Jeje ko dredrik rej kwalok ta ko konono kaki.